Dan Beaulieu, DB Management
Dan Beaulieu reviews new and classic books on succeeding in business.
Latest Column: Dan’s Biz Bookshelf: ‘Innovation X: Why a Company’s Toughest Problems Are Its Greatest Advantage’
Vern Solberg, Consulting
This column will focus on technical issues related to PCB and Flex circuit design, etc.
Latest Column: Designers Notebook: Impact of Advanced Semiconductor Packaging on PCB Stackup
Joe Fjelstad, Verdant Electronics
As author of the Flexible Circuit Technology books, Joe covers everything to do with flexible interconnections in this column.
Latest Column: Flexible Thinking: Another PCB Design Paradigm Shift in the Works
IPC Education Foundation, IPC
IPC Education Foundation updates on programs and activities.
Latest Column: Foundations of the Future: Awarding Scholarships and Awards in 2023
John Mitchell, IPC
John will cover issues affecting the entire global electronics industry supply chain.
Latest Column: One World, One Industry: Mastering Technology Prognostication
Anaya Vardya, American Standard Circuits
This column strives to make all facets of printed circuit board technology clear and easy to understand.
Latest Column: Standard of Excellence: Finding and Developing Future Leaders in Manufacturing