Foundations of the Future

Column from: IPC Education Foundation

Charlene Gunter du Plessis
Charlene joined IPC in November 2018 as director of strategic partnerships and programs and transitioned into the leadership role of the IPC Education Foundation in December 2019. She is responsible for the strategic direction of the IPC Education Foundation, a 501(c)3 charitable organization that will connect and engage individuals with IPC industry members to opportunities in the electronics manufacturing industry. In this capacity, Charlene works with industry member partners, academic institutions, and Career Technical Education instructors and teachers to develop and execute programmatic initiatives for the IPC Education Foundation.

Before joining IPC, Charlene worked at a non-profit for more than 12 years with a focus on cultivating and stewarding existing and new corporate partnerships, building relationships with key donors through corporate fundraising efforts, managing foundation and scholarship funding, and business development of membership-driven organizations. She has experience in fundraising and partnership development within the corporate, government, non-profit, and higher education spheres on a national and international level.

Charlene also has an MPhil in entrepreneurship and small business management (2012), two bachelor degrees in professional and technical writing (2006) and journalism (2005) from the University of Pretoria, and a post-graduate certificate in advanced business communications (2007) from the University of South Africa. In her spare time, she explores the world and travels with her husband and their family members. Charlene has visited 25 U.S. states and 28 countries and enjoys cooking, photography, and interior design.

January 24, 2024

Foundations of the Future: Awarding Scholarships and Awards in 2023

Providing scholarships and awards to hard-working students who excel academically, demonstrate a commitment to electronics manufacturing, and are active members of the IPC student network, supports the overall mission of the IPC Education Foundation, which is to develop a talent pipeline for the industry.
November 14, 2023

Foundations of the Future: Student-focused Professional Enhancement Opportunities

Attracting workforce talent and providing tangible opportunities to careers in electronics manufacturing have been an integral focus of the IPC Education Foundation since it was founded. One way we’ve done that is by giving high school students exposure to the world of electronics at the annual IPC APEX EXPO STEM Outreach Event, where they’ve learned hands-on soldering skills, and engaged and connected with industry representatives. However, due to the timing of this year’s trade show, we won’t be able to host a STEM outreach event. Here’s what we’re doing instead. 
October 26, 2023

Foundations of the Future: Investing in Students Through Scholarships and Awards

Investment in students’ academic and career pursuits are part of building a talent pipeline, and the IPC Education Foundation aims to distribute close to $75,000 in scholarships and awards in 2023. The value of a scholarship is more than just the ability to cover short-term tuition. A scholarship affords students the opportunity to pursue long-term goals: delivering a return on the initial investment that will benefit students, their families, and the broader community for years to come. A college education is increasingly crucial.
July 27, 2023

Foundations of the Future: Increased Impact With Student Engagement

As the IPC Education Foundation reflects on hosting its largest IPC APEX EXPO STEM Outreach Event this past January, we realize that the activities we planned for the more than 550 students who attended allowed them to engage and connect with real industry representatives, as well as hear and learn about the unique career journeys of industry. What were the results of these efforts?
January 18, 2023

Foundations of the Future: IPCEF's Scholarships, Awards and Student Opportunities

There is no better way to end 2022 than by recognizing the hardworking students and educators who are driven to invest their time and energy in the electronics manufacturing industry. Through the IPC Scholarship and Awards program, we can help students invest in their future and reward the accomplishments of those who have dedicated themselves to bettering themselves and the industry. These important scholarships are meant to help students avoid or alleviate college debt and help fund professional growth opportunities. IPC recently awarded a total of $54,000 in scholarships and awards.
November 16, 2022

Foundations of the Future: The Ins and Outs of a Student Chapter

The IPC Student Chapter network has been a wonderful program allowing students interested in pursuing a career in electronics manufacturing with the opportunity to connect with industry members. These connections are important for knowledge share from a technical and career aspiration perspective because individuals can enter the industry through various paths. The IPC Education Foundation developed this program to equip students with opportunities that will allow them to benefit personally and professionally. Hannah Nelson serves as the chapter president at Valparaiso University and was elected as a representative to serve on the IPC Board of Directors. She anticipates graduating in 2023 with her electrical engineering degree.
June 22, 2022

Foundations of the Future: Making Connections in Milwaukee

The IPC Education Foundation was fortunate to attend two events in the Milwaukee area. Wendy Gaston, business development manager, represented the IPC Education Foundation at these events, and it was wonderful to learn more about her experiences at them. Attending conferences and events always contributes to establishing relationships with new clients, reconnecting with old ones, and learning more about new trends and opportunities for growth.
May 18, 2022

Foundations of the Future: Optimizing Engagement Through Webinars

To support students in high school and college by sharing information about the careers the electronics manufacturing industry has to offer, the IPC Education Foundation wanted to ensure that irrespective of the current academic landscape sharing the insights, knowledge and stories from experts should continue to enable students to conveniently attend irrespective of location or circumstance. Webinars have become an extremely useful tool.
April 18, 2022

Foundations of the Future: 2021 Recap of Accomplishments

The IPC Education Foundation had a successful 2021 and accomplished a lot despite the impacts of the pandemic. As we manage our way through the various challenges, we are proud of our progress toward our mission: Develop a pipeline of new talent entering the electronics industry by creating awareness of the careers the electronics manufacturing industry has to offer, and providing students access to knowledge, content, and connections. You can also find a downloadable copy of the “Year in Review” at
March 15, 2022

Foundations of the Future: Valuable Career Stories from Career Panel Discussions

What better way to learn about the careers the electronics manufacturing industry has to offer than hearing from young professionals in the industry. The idea to host another career panel discussion webinar was inspired by a recent article I read about the “3 Things Young Professionals Need to Know to Grow Their Career” by Amy Bastuga, chief people officer at Radio Flyer, number three in Vault's 2021 Best Internships for Overall Diversity. It made me realize that maybe it shouldn’t be that hard…only three things.
February 09, 2022

Foundations of the Future: 2021 Scholarships and Awards Overview

One of the programs of the IPC Education Foundation is proud of is the IPC Scholarships and Awards program. 2021 was a wonderful year in which students excelled deserving students and teachers were recognized for their commitment to the electronics manufacturing industry. A total of $38,000 were awarded.
November 04, 2021

Foundations of the Future: Awarding Students with Scholarships

The value of a scholarship, however, is more than just the ability to cover short-term tuition. A scholarship affords students the opportunity to pursue long-term goals: delivering a return on the initial investment that will benefit the student, his or her family, and the broader community for years to come
July 21, 2021

Foundations of the Future: IPC's Generous Support to Upskill Students

The electronics industry faces the challenge of attracting talent. The IPC Education Foundation (IPCEF) aims to help solve this challenge by increasing awareness of the industry and equipping students with valuable industry-standard education to better prepare motivated students for careers in electronics.
June 29, 2021

Foundations of the Future: IPC Education Foundation Lessons Learned

Looking back on our second year, the IPC Education Foundation (IPCEF) takes pride in how we how we adjusted our engagement initiatives during the pandemic. We couldn’t rely on our original strategy of hosting and attending a range of in-person activities and events.
April 21, 2021

Foundations of the Future: Emerging Engineers Benefit from Mentorship

The IPC Emerging Engineer Program just graduated its first members in 2020, finishing up the first batch of the 3-year program. While the Emerging Engineer Program was traditionally created for early-career professionals, IPC and the IPC Education Foundation decided to reserve slots for five qualified student candidates to earn a spot in the professional development and mentorship program.
March 24, 2021

Foundations of the Future: Introducing Students to a Career in Electronics

In place of the annual STEM Event that the IPC Education Foundation hosts as part of the IPC APEX EXPO, the foundation held the Build Your Future Career Panel. In the last few years, the IPC Education Foundation has enjoyed hosting Career & Technical Education (CTE) students onsite at the IPC APEX EXPO for an entire day of exposure to the industry and hands-on learning. While we weren’t able to host students in person this year, we hosted a virtual event that introduced hundreds of students and has the potential to reach thousands more thanks to the digital recording.
February 09, 2021

Foundations of the Future: IPC Education Foundation Update and Looking Ahead

The IPC Education Foundation (IPCEF) takes pride in their accomplishments in their second year. The Foundation focused on a variety of digital/virtual exposure and engagement activities to share information about the electronics manufacturing industry.
January 06, 2021

Foundations of the Future: Scholarships, Awards and Student Opportunities

There was no better way to end 2020 than by making a positive impact in deserving students and educators’ lives. We can help students to invest in their future and reward the accomplishments of those who are hardworking and dedicated. Scholarships are hugely important, especially when helping students avoid and alleviate college debt as well as professional growth opportunities.
December 02, 2020

Foundations of the Future: IPC Student Chapters Gear Up for Competitions

As colleges and universities continue to adapt to remote and virtual learning, the IPC Education Foundation has also adapted to support its IPC student members and 38 IPC student chapters across the U.S. With the increase in distance learning, Aaron Birney describes how the IPCEF has had to adapt its initiatives for student chapters.
November 04, 2020

Foundations of the Future: Inspirational Career Paths—Meet Tayler and Olivia

It is refreshing to connect with young professionals who are passionate about the industry and true ambassadors to IPC. Charlene Gunter du Plessis connected with Tayler Swanson, an engineering team member at Digital Instruments Inc., and Olivia Lim, a manufacturing engineer at Kimball Electronics, to discuss their studies, professional career journeys, and exciting opportunities in the electronics manufacturing industry.
October 14, 2020

Foundations of the Future: The Semi-Virtual Landscape of College for IPC Student Chapter Members

Universities faced tough decisions moving into fall semesters and quarters, and now most students are back on campus for a semi-virtual collegiate experience that significantly affects their courses and extracurriculars. Aaron Birney shares thoughts and experiences in classrooms and campuses across the U.S. from IPC student members and an IPC student chapter advisor and professor.
September 02, 2020

Foundations of the Future: Making the Most of IPCEF’s Webinar Series

Webinars are great communication tools, and the possibilities are endless. Charlene Gunter du Plessis and Corey Lynn share updates on the IPC Education Foundation's webinar series, as well as upcoming topics.
August 12, 2020

Foundations of the Future: Interview With Michael Carano on Mentorship

In every industry, mentorship enriches and enhances career development. Charlene Gunter du Plessis connects with Michael Carano to hear about his views on mentorship, as well as his experience as a mentor with the IPC Emerging Engineer Program.
July 01, 2020

Foundations of the Future: Student Representative on the IPC Board of Directors

Charlene Gunter du Plessis describes how IPC’s Board of Directors recently added a full voting board seat to an IPC Student Member, including introducing the student liaison and sharing an interview with Dr. John Mitchell and Shane Whiteside.
June 03, 2020

Foundations of the Future: Scholarships, Leadership Roles, and Career Aspirations

Scholarships are hugely important, especially when helping students avoid and alleviate college debt. Charlene Gunter du Plessis highlights some of the 2019 IPCEF scholarship winners, as well as a book on the topic written by Dr. John Mitchell, IPC president and CEO.
April 29, 2020

Foundations of the Future: Online Resources Offer Opportunities for Professional Growth

At a time where 42 states have stay-at-home orders, and thousands of school districts are transitioning to a remote learning environment, online resources are essential. Charlene Gunter du Plessis recaps some of the ways to learn about the electronics manufacturing industry online.
April 01, 2020

Foundations of the Future: The Substantial Growth of IPC Student Chapters

The IPC Education Foundation launched the IPC Student Chapter Program in February 2019, with the formal announcement at IPC APEX EXPO. The program aims to connect students in relevant two-year, four-year, and graduate programs to the electronics industry and IPC member companies. Aaron Birney provides an update on the substantial growth of IPC Student Chapters over the past year.
March 04, 2020

Foundations of the Future: STEM Student Outreach Program at IPC APEX EXPO 2020

When we hold an event, there is nothing more rewarding than words like these from Diego, Mount Miguel High School: “I learned many valuable pieces of information related to engineering careers. My favorite topic to learn about was PCBs. I enjoyed participating in the hands-on activities, such as breadboarding and soldering. Overall, I had a wonderful time at the event!” Charlene Gunter du Plessis shares the success of the IPC STEM Student Outreach Program, as well as other updates from IPC APEX EXPO 2020.
January 23, 2020

Foundations of the Future: Get More Engaged in 2020

Since the inception of the IPC Education Foundation in January 2019, the mission remains to create connections between electronics manufacturers and supply chain companies, academia and the emerging workforce. In this debut column, Charlene Gunter du Plessis describes plans for engaging in 2020, including scholarships and more, and the IPC APEX EXPO 2020 STEM Student Outreach event.
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